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Peer-reviewed publications (accepted and published papers)                                            


Lourenço Jr. J; PRL Bittencourt; BJ Enquist; CDR Milanez; G von Arx; K Morino; LD Thomaz; L Rowland. 2023. Fiber-parenchyma trade-off underlies changes in tropical forest structure and xylem architecture across a soil water gradient. In review (Biology Letters - preprint available)


Lourenço Jr. J; BJ Enquist; G von Arx; J Sonsin; CDR Milanez, LD Thomaz. 2022. Hydraulic trade-offs   

underlie local variation in tropical forest functional diversity and sensitivity to drought. New Phytologist

The definitive version is available at


Lourenço, Jr. J, EA Newman, JA Ventura, CDR Milanez, LD Thomaz, DT Wandekoken, BJ Enquist 2021. Soil-associated drivers of plant traits and forest functional composition in Atlantic Forest coastal plant communities. Ecosphere. v.12(7), 1-21.


Lourenço, Jr. J, O Zambom, MS ROSSI, GRF Cuzzuol. 2013. Effects that nutritional and saline gradients have on the growth of Passiflora mucronata Lam. and Canavalia rosea (Sw.) DC. Acta Botanica Brasílica. v.27, 318-326. 


Oliveira Junior, LFG, PN Santos, Canal, E. C.; J Lourenço, Jr., S Rodrigues. 2010. Utilização da Atmosfera Modificada na conservação pós-colheita de carambola. Global Science and Technology, v.03, 49-59.


Lourenço, Jr J and Cuzzuol GRF. 2009. Soil characterization of two restinga formations and its influence on leaf chemistry in Passiflora mucronata Lam. (Passifloraceae) and Canavalia rosea (Sw.) DC. (Fabaceae). Acta Botanica Brasílica, v.23, 239-246.


Lourenço, Jr J GRF Cuzzuol, PL Peterle, MS ROCCI. 2007. A Disponibilidade de Nutrientes Como fator de Zonação em Plantas de Restinga. Revista Brasileira de Biociências, v.5, 894-896.


Lourenço Jr J;, GRF Cuzzuol; O Zambom, RLF SOUZA. 2007. A Salinidade Como Fator de Zonação em Plantas de Restinga. Revista Brasileira de Biociências, v.5, 981-983.



Manuscripts (in press and preprints in review)


Bittencourt, PRL, S Jansen, M Mencuccini, A Scheire, P Jotan, J Lourenço Jr., L Rowland. 2024. Unveiling the limits: Dipterocarp Giants defy gravity and hydraulic constraints (primary version). For submission to Nature.


Lourenço, Jr. J; D Houle; L Dushesne; D Keeshaw. 2024. Interactions between xylem traits linked to hydraulics during xylem development optimize growth performance in conifer seedlings. For submission to New Phytologist. (preprint available)


Lourenço, Jr J.; EA Newman, CDR Milanez, LD Thomaz, BJ Enquist. 2024. Assessing the Trait-based Driver Theory in environmentally diverse tropical plant communities. For submission to Plant, Cell & Environment. (preprint available here)


Lourenço, Jr J.; D Houle; L Dushesne; D Keeshaw. 2024. Hydraulic-related xylem traits explain growth performance in four species of conifer seedlings. For submission to Plant, Cell & Environment. (pre-print available)


Lourenço, Jr J; EA Newman; BJ Enquist. 2024. Community restructuring following a historic drought in Brazil’s Atlantic Coast Forest. For submission to Global Change Biology. (in preparation)


Thomaz LD;  AL Lima, EM da Silva, DM Silva, J Lourenço-Junior. 2005.  Aprendendo Ciências com a Natureza - Lagoas Costeiras. 01. ed. Vitória: GSA, v. 1. 63p. (in press).


Thomaz LD,  AL Lima, EM da Silva, DM Silva, J Lourenço-Junior. 2005. Aprendendo Com a Natureza - Lagoas: Manual de Experimentos. 01. ed. Vitória: GSA. v. 1. 21p. (in press).



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