Jehová Lourenço Jr
Community Ecology - Wood Anatomy - Plant Physiology
Peer-reviewed publications (accepted and published papers)
Lourenço Jr. J; PRL Bittencourt; BJ Enquist; CDR Milanez; G von Arx; K Morino; LD Thomaz; L Rowland. 2023. Fiber-parenchyma trade-off underlies changes in tropical forest structure and xylem architecture across a soil water gradient. In review (Biology Letters - preprint available).
Lourenço Jr. J; BJ Enquist; G von Arx; J Sonsin; CDR Milanez, LD Thomaz. 2022. Hydraulic trade-offs
underlie local variation in tropical forest functional diversity and sensitivity to drought. New Phytologist.
The definitive version is available at
Lourenço, Jr J GRF Cuzzuol, PL Peterle, MS ROCCI. 2007. A Disponibilidade de Nutrientes Como fator de Zonação em Plantas de Restinga. Revista Brasileira de Biociências, v.5, 894-896.
Lourenço Jr J;, GRF Cuzzuol; O Zambom, RLF SOUZA. 2007. A Salinidade Como Fator de Zonação em Plantas de Restinga. Revista Brasileira de Biociências, v.5, 981-983.
Manuscripts (in press and preprints in review)
Bittencourt, PRL, S Jansen, M Mencuccini, A Scheire, P Jotan, J Lourenço Jr., L Rowland. 2024. Unveiling the limits: Dipterocarp Giants defy gravity and hydraulic constraints (primary version). For submission to Nature.
Lourenço, Jr. J; D Houle; L Dushesne; D Keeshaw. 2024. Interactions between xylem traits linked to hydraulics during xylem development optimize growth performance in conifer seedlings. For submission to New Phytologist. (preprint available)
Lourenço, Jr J.; EA Newman, CDR Milanez, LD Thomaz, BJ Enquist. 2024. Assessing the Trait-based Driver Theory in environmentally diverse tropical plant communities. For submission to Plant, Cell & Environment. (preprint available here)
Lourenço, Jr J.; D Houle; L Dushesne; D Keeshaw. 2024. Hydraulic-related xylem traits explain growth performance in four species of conifer seedlings. For submission to Plant, Cell & Environment. (pre-print available)
Lourenço, Jr J; EA Newman; BJ Enquist. 2024. Community restructuring following a historic drought in Brazil’s Atlantic Coast Forest. For submission to Global Change Biology. (in preparation)
Thomaz LD; AL Lima, EM da Silva, DM Silva, J Lourenço-Junior. 2005. Aprendendo Ciências com a Natureza - Lagoas Costeiras. 01. ed. Vitória: GSA, v. 1. 63p. (in press).
Thomaz LD, AL Lima, EM da Silva, DM Silva, J Lourenço-Junior. 2005. Aprendendo Com a Natureza - Lagoas: Manual de Experimentos. 01. ed. Vitória: GSA. v. 1. 21p. (in press).